School magazine evaluation

School magazine evaluation
What went well
·         I made the magazine recognisable and attractive to the target audience- shows pictures of their peers and the school
·         I used a clear house style with colours and fonts that suited the magazine- no childish colours, fonts that stand out while not being too in your face
·         Believable and attractive article headings and language
·         Clear contents page layout
·         Magazine conventions (barcode, price, competition) included well
What didn’t go so well
·         Layout of front cover is a bit too unorganised- It doesn’t add to the effectiveness of the cover, it should be memorable
·         Competition token is too big, takes up too much space
·         Photographs could have been taken better at times- I accidentally cut out one of the models hands out of one of the photos

What I could improve
·         Make sure photographs are taken to their full potential- try not to cut out hands when they are a main focus of a picture
·         Maybe make text stand out more on front cover- there are places where it looks faded
·         Use space better- use it all to make the magazine memorable

What I need help with
·         Giving the pictures on my contents more meaning- make sure they either have captions or link to what they are next to

Overall I think I done quite well with my school magazine. I done most things well and although some things could be improved I didn’t do anything terribly, so I am happy with my results.